Sensitivity anaylsis (

class*args, **kwargs)[source]

Deprecated; use PairwiseSensitivity instead.

class, values_to_sample, objective_function, observable, sens_type='initials', sample_list=None)[source]

Pairwise sensitivity analysis of model parameters

This class calculates the sensitivity of a specified model Observable to changes in pairs of initial species concentrations. The results are stored in matrices described in Attributes.


The interface for this class is considered experimental and may change without warning as PySB is updated.

solver : pysb.simulator.Simulator

Simulator instance used to perform models. Must be initialized with tspan argument set.

values_to_sample : vector_like

Values to sample for each initial concentration of the model.parameters values.

objective_function : function

A function that returns a scalar value. Used to calculate fraction of changed that is used for calculating sensitivity. See Example.

observable : str

Observable name used in the objective_function.

sens_type: {‘params’, ‘initials’, ‘all’}

Type of sensitivity analysis to perform.

sample_list: list

List of model pysb.Parameters names to be used.


  1. Harris, L.A., Nobile, M.S., Pino, J.C., Lubbock, A.L.R., Besozzi, D., Mauri, G., Cazzaniga, P., and Lopez, C.F. 2017. GPU-powered model analysis with PySB/cupSODA. Bioinformatics 33, pp.3492-3494.


Sensitivity analysis on the Tyson cell cycle model

>>> from pysb.examples.tyson_oscillator import model
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pysb.simulator.scipyode import ScipyOdeSimulator
>>> np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
>>> tspan=np.linspace(0, 200, 201)
>>> observable = 'Y3'
>>> values_to_sample = [.8, 1.2]
>>> def obj_func_cell_cycle(out):
...     timestep = tspan[:-1]
...     y = out[:-1] - out[1:]
...     freq = 0
...     local_times = []
...     prev = y[0]
...     for n in range(1, len(y)):
...         if y[n] > 0 > prev:
...             local_times.append(timestep[n])
...             freq += 1
...         prev = y[n]
...     local_times = np.array(local_times)
...     local_freq = np.average(local_times)/len(local_times)*2
...     return local_freq
>>> solver = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, tspan, integrator='lsoda',                      integrator_options={'atol' : 1e-8,                                          'rtol' : 1e-8,                                          'mxstep' :20000})
>>> sens = PairwiseSensitivity(            values_to_sample=values_to_sample,            observable=observable,            objective_function=obj_func_cell_cycle,            solver=solver        )
>>> print(sens.b_matrix)
[[((0.8, 'cdc0'), (0.8, 'cdc0')) ((0.8, 'cdc0'), (1.2, 'cdc0'))
  ((0.8, 'cdc0'), (0.8, 'cyc0')) ((0.8, 'cdc0'), (1.2, 'cyc0'))]
 [((1.2, 'cdc0'), (0.8, 'cdc0')) ((1.2, 'cdc0'), (1.2, 'cdc0'))
  ((1.2, 'cdc0'), (0.8, 'cyc0')) ((1.2, 'cdc0'), (1.2, 'cyc0'))]
 [((0.8, 'cyc0'), (0.8, 'cdc0')) ((0.8, 'cyc0'), (1.2, 'cdc0'))
  ((0.8, 'cyc0'), (0.8, 'cyc0')) ((0.8, 'cyc0'), (1.2, 'cyc0'))]
 [((1.2, 'cyc0'), (0.8, 'cdc0')) ((1.2, 'cyc0'), (1.2, 'cdc0'))
  ((1.2, 'cyc0'), (0.8, 'cyc0')) ((1.2, 'cyc0'), (1.2, 'cyc0'))]]
>>> print(sens.p_matrix)#doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[[ 0.      0.      5.0243 -4.5381]
 [ 0.      0.      5.0243 -4.5381]
 [ 5.0243  5.0243  0.      0.    ]
 [-4.5381 -4.5381  0.      0.    ]]
>>> print(sens.p_prime_matrix) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
 [[ 0.      0.      5.0243 -4.5381]
  [ 0.      0.      5.0243 -4.5381]
  [ 0.      0.      0.      0.    ]
  [ 0.      0.      0.      0.    ]]
>>> print(sens.p_matrix - sens.p_prime_matrix)             #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
 [[ 0.      0.      0.      0.    ]
  [ 0.      0.      0.      0.    ]
  [ 5.0243  5.0243  0.      0.    ]
  [-4.5381 -4.5381  0.      0.    ]]
>>> sens.create_boxplot_and_heatplot() #doctest: +SKIP
>>> values_to_sample = [.9, 1.1]
>>> sens = PairwiseSensitivity(            values_to_sample=values_to_sample,            observable=observable,            objective_function=obj_func_cell_cycle,            solver=solver,            sens_type='params'        )
>>> print(sens.b_matrix.shape == (14, 14))
>>> print(sens.p_matrix)#doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[[  0.       0.      13.6596  13.6596  24.3955   4.7909  16.4603  11.3258
    0.1621  31.2804  13.6596  13.6596  13.6596  13.6596]
 [  0.       0.     -10.3728 -10.3728  -3.7277 -14.9803  -7.2934 -12.2416
  -18.3144   0.     -10.3728 -10.3728 -10.3728 -10.3728]
 [ 13.6596 -10.3728   0.       0.       7.3582  -6.483    3.0794  -2.269
  -10.6969  12.7261   0.       0.       0.       0.    ]
 [ 13.6596 -10.3728   0.       0.       7.3582  -6.483    3.0794  -2.269
  -10.6969  12.7261   0.       0.       0.       0.    ]
 [ 24.3955  -3.7277   7.3582   7.3582   0.       0.      10.859    5.2577
   -4.376   23.2285   7.3582   7.3582   7.3582   7.3582]
 [  4.7909 -14.9803  -6.483   -6.483    0.       0.      -3.4036  -9.0762
  -15.2185   3.8574  -6.483   -6.483   -6.483   -6.483 ]
 [ 16.4603  -7.2934   3.0794   3.0794  10.859   -3.4036   0.       0.
   -7.9417  15.5267   3.0794   3.0794   3.0794   3.0794]
 [ 11.3258 -12.2416  -2.269   -2.269    5.2577  -9.0762   0.       0.
  -13.128   10.859   -2.269   -2.269   -2.269   -2.269 ]
 [  0.1621 -18.3144 -10.6969 -10.6969  -4.376  -15.2185  -7.9417 -13.128
    0.       0.     -10.6969 -10.6969 -10.6969 -10.6969]
 [ 31.2804   0.      12.7261  12.7261  23.2285   3.8574  15.5267  10.859
    0.       0.      12.7261  12.7261  12.7261  12.7261]
 [ 13.6596 -10.3728   0.       0.       7.3582  -6.483    3.0794  -2.269
  -10.6969  12.7261   0.       0.       0.       0.    ]
 [ 13.6596 -10.3728   0.       0.       7.3582  -6.483    3.0794  -2.269
  -10.6969  12.7261   0.       0.       0.       0.    ]
 [ 13.6596 -10.3728   0.       0.       7.3582  -6.483    3.0794  -2.269
  -10.6969  12.7261   0.       0.       0.       0.    ]
 [ 13.6596 -10.3728   0.       0.       7.3582  -6.483    3.0794  -2.269
  -10.6969  12.7261   0.       0.       0.       0.    ]]
>>> print(sens.p_matrix - sens.p_prime_matrix)             #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
 [[  0.       0.      13.6596  13.6596  17.0373  11.2739  13.3809  13.5948
   10.859   18.5543  13.6596  13.6596  13.6596  13.6596]
 [  0.       0.     -10.3728 -10.3728 -11.0859  -8.4973 -10.3728  -9.9725
   -7.6175 -12.7261 -10.3728 -10.3728 -10.3728 -10.3728]
 [  0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.
    0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.    ]
 [  0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.
    0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.    ]
 [ 10.7358   6.6451   7.3582   7.3582   0.       0.       7.7796   7.5267
    6.3209  10.5024   7.3582   7.3582   7.3582   7.3582]
 [ -8.8687  -4.6075  -6.483   -6.483    0.       0.      -6.483   -6.8071
   -4.5215  -8.8687  -6.483   -6.483   -6.483   -6.483 ]
 [  2.8006   3.0794   3.0794   3.0794   3.5008   3.0794   0.       0.
    2.7553   2.8006   3.0794   3.0794   3.0794   3.0794]
 [ -2.3339  -1.8688  -2.269   -2.269   -2.1005  -2.5932   0.       0.
   -2.4311  -1.8671  -2.269   -2.269   -2.269   -2.269 ]
 [-13.4976  -7.9417 -10.6969 -10.6969 -11.7342  -8.7355 -11.0211 -10.859
    0.       0.     -10.6969 -10.6969 -10.6969 -10.6969]
 [ 17.6207  10.3728  12.7261  12.7261  15.8703  10.3404  12.4473  13.128
    0.       0.      12.7261  12.7261  12.7261  12.7261]
 [  0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.
    0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.    ]
 [  0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.
    0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.    ]
 [  0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.
    0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.    ]
 [  0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.
    0.       0.       0.       0.       0.       0.    ]]
>>> sens.create_boxplot_and_heatplot() #doctest: +SKIP
>>> sens = PairwiseSensitivity(            values_to_sample=values_to_sample,            observable=observable,            objective_function=obj_func_cell_cycle,            solver=solver,            sample_list=['k1', 'cdc0']        )
>>> print(sens.b_matrix)
[[((0.9, 'k1'), (0.9, 'k1')) ((0.9, 'k1'), (1.1, 'k1'))
  ((0.9, 'k1'), (0.9, 'cdc0')) ((0.9, 'k1'), (1.1, 'cdc0'))]
 [((1.1, 'k1'), (0.9, 'k1')) ((1.1, 'k1'), (1.1, 'k1'))
  ((1.1, 'k1'), (0.9, 'cdc0')) ((1.1, 'k1'), (1.1, 'cdc0'))]
 [((0.9, 'cdc0'), (0.9, 'k1')) ((0.9, 'cdc0'), (1.1, 'k1'))
  ((0.9, 'cdc0'), (0.9, 'cdc0')) ((0.9, 'cdc0'), (1.1, 'cdc0'))]
 [((1.1, 'cdc0'), (0.9, 'k1')) ((1.1, 'cdc0'), (1.1, 'k1'))
  ((1.1, 'cdc0'), (0.9, 'cdc0')) ((1.1, 'cdc0'), (1.1, 'cdc0'))]]
b_matrix: numpy.ndarray

Matrix of 2-tuples containing (perturbation, species index)

b_prime_matrix: numpy.ndarray

Same as b_matrix, only where one of the species concentrations is unchanged (i.e. with the single variable contribution removed)

index : list

List of model parameter names that will be used in analysis

index_of_param : dict

Dictionary that maps parameters name to index in orig_values array

objective_function : Identical to Parameters (see above).
orig_vals : numpy.array

Original values of the model.Parameters.

p_matrix: numpy.ndarray

Pairwise sensitivity matrix

p_prime_matrix: numpy.ndarray

Normalized pairwise sensitivity matrix (in the sense that it contains changes from the baseline, unperturbed case)

params_to_run : np.array

Parameter sets to be passed to simulator

create_boxplot_and_heatplot(x_axis_label=None, save_name=None, out_dir=None, show=False)[source]

Heat map and box plot of sensitivities

x_axis_label : str, optional

label for x asis

save_name : str, optional

name of figure to save

out_dir : str, option

output directory to save figures

show : bool

Show plot if True


The matplotlib figure object for further adjustments, if required

create_individual_pairwise_plots(save_name=None, out_dir=None, show=False)[source]

Single plot containing heat plot of each specie pair

save_name : str, optional

name ot save figure as

out_dir : str, optional

output directory

show : bool

show figure


The matplotlib figure object for further adjustments, if required

create_plot_p_h_pprime(save_name=None, out_dir=None, show=False)[source]

Plot of P, H(B), and P’

See PairwiseSensitivity attributes for descriptions of these matrices

save_name : str, optional

name to save figure as

out_dir : str, optional

location to save figure

show : bool

show the plot if True


The matplotlib figure object for further adjustments, if required

run(save_name=None, out_dir=None)[source]

Run sensitivity analysis

save_name : str, optional

prefix of saved files

out_dir : str, optional

location to save output if required


Sensitivity analysis multiset (also called “Q” matrix)


List of lists containing the sensitivity analysis multiset, array_2)[source]

Cartesian product between two lists

array_1 : list_like
array_2 : list_like

array of shape (len(array_1), len(array_2))